Our Mission

We Are One is an online collaborative center for diabetes professionals who are living with type 1 diabetes. We Are One provides a means of connecting these unique individuals within the diabetes space to promote networking and the exchange of information between professionals involved in all aspects of diabetes management including clinical care, research, online communities, and the pharmaceutical and device industries.

We Are One is an initiative of Taking Control Of Your Diabetes® (TCOYD®). Watch the video to learn more about why we started We Are One.

Connecting over 2,000 professionals living with type 1 and growing!

Let’s Get Together

Let’s be honest…. As diabetes professionals living with type 1 diabetes, we have a unique insight into the condition. It has also inspired many of us to define our careers around diabetes in some way. We are a unique group of individuals who are both living with the condition and working in the diabetes space. We need to be connected because We Are One! Bringing all of us together to connect, share ideas and improve the state of diabetes care, is the reason this site was created and why it’s like no other group out there.

Search, Find and Connect

There are a lot of ways to find colleagues out there, but this is a very special group of folks. Anyone you come across on this site is living with type 1 diabetes. You can look for people in your area, in your specialty, or pretty much anywhere in the world, and connect instantly by sending them a message. We hope you’ll use this page to meet people who share your passion and perhaps connect them to other professionals and patients that can expand their network.

Stay Up to Date

Get information about the latest advancements, discussions, opinions, publications, events and really anything else going on in the T1D world. Make sure to tune for consistent updates from your favorite endos: Drs. Steve Edelman and Jeremy Pettus. Have a question about what to do with a patient? Send a colleague a quick note and know you are getting expertise from somebody also living with type 1. Share protocols, handouts, websites, and other diabetes information on the newsfeed for all WAO professionals to enjoy.

Tell Us Who You Are

Set up your own profile page with as much or as little information about you as you care to share. Everyone living with type 1 has a unique story that can be extremely powerful. What story do you have to tell about your life with diabetes? How and when were you diagnosed? What is your philosophy on living with the condition and what do you share with others to help them live well with type 1? Offer your own insights in building a page that is as unique as you are.

Find a Referral

Looking for a good nutritionist living with type 1 diabetes outside Philadelphia? Or Chicago? Or Tampa? Need an endocrinologist in San Diego? How about a lawyer specializing in diabetes? Or maybe you are organizing a conference in a certain area and are looking for people to speak. Search our registry by name, type of profession and geographic location quickly and efficiently. Once you find who you are looking for, send them a message and strike up a conversation.

Don’t Have to be a Health Care Provider

We Are One is for EVERYONE professionally involved in the type 1 diabetes space who is also living with type 1. Medical professionals, people who work in the pharmaceutical or device industries, bloggers and other social media folks, journalists and authors, and so on. You name it. If you are in the diabetes “space” and have type 1, We Are One will serve you well.